Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Merry Christmas!!!

So there's about 25 minutes left of Christmas day here in the UK and i figured it was time for a blog update. 

I hope you all had an excellent Christmas with your families and hope that Santa brought you all the present's you asked for and more. I had a pretty awesome Christmas myself, i spent more time and money, collecting and buying presents this year than any other but i'm pretty sure that has something to do with having a girlfriend this year and having not had one for quite a while before! Was all good fun though because i got my fair share of present's back and love  all of them, was actually really surprised a couple of hours ago when i spread them out over my bed to see what i had, to see this ridiculous amount of presents :) 

So that was pretty awesome! As you can probably tell i have a bit of an obsession with superhero's and Arnold Schwarzenegger, so i got a load of t-shirt's with Superman, Batman and Hulk on, along with 3 Superman pj bottoms and 2 Arnie books! Along with 2 awesome pairs of Nike trainers and enough chocolate and sweets to put Willy Wonka out of business! :) Got a ton more present's including a watch, hoody, photos, wallet, belt, scarf and ton's more, was a really great Christmas. I hope all of yours was too, was just what i needed before this massive grind i have coming in 2013 for at last the first four months, it was really great to see all my family and some friends and just eat, drink and chat all day. This is a picture of the presents before they got destroyed and ripped to pieces, along with the rest of my family's under the tree:
So all in all i had a brilliant Christmas. I hope everyone is enjoying following the blog so far, and let me know if you have any topics you'd like me to discuss in the comment's below or on Twitter! Think i'll post up some sort of routine for poker and life/gym before the New Year and take it from there. Also don't think i'll be playing much poker from now until New Year, think i'll enjoy this precious rest!! Good luck all, thanks for following!
